Health Media Award 

The Health Media Award, an international award for innovations and talents in health and communication, continues to honor new achievements with the Health Angel created by Italian artist Massimo Bramandi.

Massimo Bramandi

The History of Health Angel

Health Angel Project

After a deepened documentation, it came out that in Catholic religion the Health Angel is embodied by the archangel Raffaele,

“God redeem”. He is amply mentioned in The Book of Tobia and he is shown as a healer. Actually, the archangel has an essential role as healer of Tobia’s father, healing him from blindness using the fish bile.

“…[7]Then said Raphael, I know, Tobias, that thy father will open his eyes.
[8]Thegredire anoint thou his eyes with the gall, and being pricked therewith, he shall rub, and the whiteness shall fall away, and he shall see thee.”

[From Tobias’ book, Chapter 11, Bible]

These elements drove me to develop a contemporary work, which is supported by deep historical and cultural origins.

I decided to use wings as a characteristic element for an archangel. To complete the work I introduced the fish as symbol of healing. Therefore, inside the sketches you will find the contemporary synthesis reached thanks to a deep research.

The Health Angel created by Massimo Bramandi

“It was truly an honor for me to make the Health Oscar statuette. The work I made is a polished steel sculpture: a contemporary work with direct and strong lines but with clear references to classical and Renaissance art.”

Massimo Bramandi

Health Media Award 

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award 

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award 

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award 

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award 

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award 

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award Massimo Bramandi 

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award 

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award Sophie Lu-Axelsson

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award Sophie Lu-Axelsson

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award Sophie Lu-Axelsson

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award Sophie Lu-Axelsson

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award Wolfgang Walter Wilhelm Bosbach

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award Ulrich Zerhusen

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award

Health Angel Galà

Health Media Award


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